Saturday, December 15, 2012

Commemoration of International Migrants' Day 2012

The international migrants' day which falls on the 18th December was commemorated on the 08th December from 09.30 a.m. to 02.30 p.m. at the SETIK auditorium.

Mr. Gamini Seneviratna, District Secretary, Kandy was the Chief Guest on this occasion.  The guest speakers addressed the gathering on;

  • "Venereal Diseases due to Migration" - Mr. Rathnayake-Lecturer, University of Peradeniya
  • "Kafala Law" in the Middle East Countries - Mrs. Shyamali Ranaraja- Attorney-at-Law, Advisor I.L.O.
  • "Prevention of Women from Migration who have children below five (05) years - Mrs. Utthara Rupasinghe - Legal Advisor, "SETIK"
A programme for the migrant returnees and their children under the topic of "Spiritual Healing" was conducted by Miss. Shashika Wijeratna - Asst. Psychosocial Counselor attached to Divisional Secretariat, Talatuoya.

Medals and certificates were distributed among the members of 'Rakawarna Hawla' ad the self-employment trainees.  There was also an exhibition and fair of self-employment products declared open by Rev. Fr. Camillus D. Jansz, Director of 'SETIK' Organization, Kandy.

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